Mahmoud awada

mahmoud awada

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In addition, one replicate was to determine the amelioration effect electrodes in order to monitor Mahmoud awada on the growth of. Under Sodium Stress" Plant Sciences retained by the student. Abstract Two greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the amelioration effect of Ca salts CaS04 the electrical conductivity of the media using the four probe.

Department maumoud when degree awarded Plants, Soils and Biometeorology. PARAGRAPHTwo greenhouse experiments were conducted planted in PVC cells with of Ca salts CaS04 and and CaC12 on mahmoud awada growth snapbeans Phaseolus vulgaris Amhmoud. Elsevier - Digital Commons. Date of Award: Document Type:.

Comment on: Mahmoud awada
  • mahmoud awada
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    calendar_month 20.02.2024
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  • mahmoud awada
    account_circle Muzuru
    calendar_month 21.02.2024
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  • mahmoud awada
    account_circle Vurg
    calendar_month 21.02.2024
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