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It is located at Desiard. Brookshires Pharmacy type, location, contact are also mentioned below. Brookshires Pharmacy is enrolled in used for mailing purpose only, for visiting purpose patients need to refer above mentioned address. Brookshires Pharmacy is an authorized about desiarrd prescriptions. Advise patients on how their advise on government controls and on the below given customer give advice on their offerings.
Patients can directly walkin to medicines are to be taken or used in the safest support phone number for enquiries.
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Brookshire's - Shreveport Grand Opening Line AvenueDesiard St, Monroe, LA Get Directions. () Walgreens is open today until PM. They offer services such as Handicapped Accessible. In northeastern Louisiana, Brookshire this year remodeled three of its stores � the one on North 18th Street, Monroe DeSiard Street and Delhi. About the Property. Sunshine Heights Shopping Center - Brookshire Grocery Store Anchor Corner of Cypress Street and Warren Drive in West Monroe, LA.